Monday, October 4, 2010

Hello! I wanted to share this lesson plan with you all (and the rest of the world). It is an outgrowth of my experiences at #TSETC. I am planning to share it with my twitter followers and anyone else for review. In Economics, I have a one prep class - this allows/encourages me to experiment more than my other courses.

STEP 1: Students will take practice quiz about demand from the book. They will work with a partner and have access to their top 12 slides from Monday. On Monday, they were given over 55 slides about section 1 on demand. They were asked to pick the 12 slides that should have made the "cut"; in addition I asked them to draw their 13 slide.

STEP 2: Then I am going to ask them to visit and take notes on there collectively using TitanPad. I will expect to see each person post 8-10 thoughts on Demand from that reading.

STEP 3: Students will visit a reading on economics and be asked to create a zooburst with 5 pages - one per determinant. The last step is to complete another practice quiz.

Please feel free to pick this apart and offer a few suggestions.


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