Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lunchtime reflections at TSETC

TSETC is finally here!

Brad and I have just eaten a delicious lunch and are now in the "Bloggers' Cafe", waiting for our next session to start. Between the two of us, we've seen 4 different presentations this morning.

The morning started with a keynote speech by Lisa Nielsen. The title of her talk was "Thinking Outside of the Ban: Taking Risks to Prepare Students for Success". Lisa works for the NYC DOE and told us her story about the challenges she faced regarding using technology in the classroom. Lisa has been featured in the New York Times as well as countless education blogs. You can find her Prezi from this morning here. Lisa gave us a challenge for the day, to create our "sentence." Inspired by author Daniel Pink's video "Two Questions That Can Change Your Life". Brad and I are still developing our "sentences"!

The first session we attended was entitled “10 Web 2.0 Tools to Make Your Classroom Rock!” by's Adam Bellow. THIS WAS AMAZING! Adam is brilliant and introduced us to To see the 3x3 he made for us today, go here. You will find INCREDIBLE websites from ZooBurst to Museum Box and

Brad attended a session entitled "Digital Storytelling", presented by Samantha Morra. Her presentation can be viewed here. One site she highlighted was this cartooning site.

Meanwhile, I attended a session entitled, "“iGlobal Class Projects: Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom”, presented by Shelly Terrell. For this session, we Skyped with Shelly, who lives and teaches in Germany. Her Prezi can be found here.

We have many ideas to share with you and our other colleagues and still four more sessions this afternoon!

This is part of the Tri-State Education Technology Conference (TSETC) Blogger Café Contest sponsored by edSocialMedia. TSETC is brought to you by Schoology.

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